Sunday, May 4, 2008

27 April 2008 - Haggling and home comforts

Makambako for lunch. 87km on the clock. Awesome. The hills are consistently followed by long easy downs that make the slow tick of the climb more manageable. No matter what length of cycle, and no matter how early in the day we arrive at our destination, a solid meal is always welcomed. We have just had lunch at the “Durban Park Hotel”! Classic. The boys are out to try and barter down some cheap rooms. Im not too good at that – I just get frustrated and give in! If I were doing this trip on my own, I swear it would cost double the amount – the patience of these guys amazes me. Haggling in Africa is hard work. “Shilingapi?” (no idea how you spell that!) and then a series of hand gestures … and when the price is determined… “Hai! Mzungu price!” and then the bartering starts… Last night we stayed four in a room, and got dinner and breakfast included for 6000 each: less than R50. Ridiculous. Money doesn’t grow on trees on a trip like this, but I have a whole heap to learn from the guys. My role has quickly become kit watcher while they go and haggle – My presence almost seems to undermine their work. He he!

The days have been pretty normal recently, not a whole heap of exciting things have been going on – we have been racing for the Malawian border. 3 days and counting. I cant believe how far we’ve come.

We’re in the process of trying to organise our South African leg and all the welcome events at home. I am so looking forward to it, that I have to remind myself that now is pretty good too!

I found Pronutro in a petrol station shop! We are getting close! Cant explain how good it will be to replace some of the chapatti. Home comforts.

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