Saturday, May 24, 2008

23 May 2008 - Eyelash tinting in Lusaka

I got it into my little head that because I was in the thriving metropolis that is Lusaka, and because I have spent the last four months in the company of seven sports and music trivia driven males... a little bit of feminine R&R was in order. Unsure of whether a haircut or eyelash tint would be preferable, I enquired of cost and discovered that however unpractical it may be.. eyelashes were it. Perhaps the boys' economic judgement has rubbed off on me?

So there I was, lying in a beauty salon in Lusaka, thats the Lusaka in Zambia, awaiting an eyelash tint. The beautician approached armed with tweezers. It seems there was some confusion in the terminology... but when we had got around the fact that no, I did not want to pluck my eyebrows, or eyelashes for that matter, and that I wanted my eyelashes dyed... I was then posed with "what colour?"

At this point I was starting to think that perhaps this wasn't such a wise idea. Green?!

"I would like them to be dark." OK, not to worry, that would be fine. Could I please wait a moment?

Lying on the bed, awaiting her return, I started reflecting on this entry. I started imagining the dark stains under my eyes and the grief to be borne from the dudes...

She returned with a friend. Conversation reverted to some local language of which only the word "vaseline" was distinguishable. I then had my eyelashes closely examined by the pair, more discussion and then it began. After some soggy tissue, a little burning sensation, a sensation likened to the application of eyeliner when I was twelves, and a ten minute wait in which I further delved into the possible pictures of Twiggy-styled marks down my face... I was told to clean my face.

The result: nothing. And a whole lot of vaseline.

Apparently dye in Lusaka doesnt always work on light-coloured eyelashes! hmm...

The guys have rubbed off on me - I pointed out the fact that they were still blonde and that I shouldn't pay. She agreed. Thankfully! Classic experience though.. the joys of feminine wonders!

I went home and painted my nails.


Unknown said...

Loved this one Diddles...only you! SERIOUSLY! x Leeroy

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot for the great post
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