Tuesday, April 22, 2008

19 April - All credit to the boys!

For the last couple of days we have had an American woman, Tracy, join us cycling – she has been working in Arusha on the Rwandan Genocide tribunal as a court reporter, and it was great to have an outsider join the team for a couple of days. She made the comment the other day, “you’re a brave girl” and I acknowledged her comment in my enduring male company for an extended period. One of the boys was a little put out because he had thought that my admitting that its tough being the only girl on the team is a poor reflection on their character…

I am not going to lie, it has been difficult having to live with guys only for the last couple of months, and to know that the next three months will be the same. It is three more months of football and crude jokes, being treated like a guy and dreaming of the days that I can have a glass of wine with the girls… but this is no reflection on the guys whatsoever. They are absolute heroes and a seriously quality bunch of A-class dudes who do their utmost to look out for the rest of the team, feel strongly about our cause, are positive about Africa, and look for the fun out of any situation - sometimes humour is needed more than anything else out here! They are wonderful. I have stepped into a man’s world, and I am trying to keep a positive, happy state of mind… I do miss the girls. But if anyone was going to buy a bike and cycle across Africa with a herd of buggers, I wouldn’t think they could pick such top class dudes.

And no, they do not read this blog!

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